Vähänkö olin innoissani kun näin sen! Tekstit on saksaksi ja hassusti käännettävissä google translaattorilla. Eipä siinä sinänsä mitään hirveen kummallista ole, tai ainakaan uutta blogini lukijoille, mutta oon kyllä ylpeä, että olivat valinneet mut täältä Suomesta. Kivaa! :)
Jutun voit katsoa TÄÄLTÄ.
Couple of weeks ago i was asked to participate a project called "Nordic Week" that would appear on well known German website Westwing´s web magazine. My part was to give my favorite tips on where to go in Helsinki, a decorating tip and some pictures i have shot myself - of our home.
Today it came out, YAYY!!! I´m so excited! All the writing is in German so you can try to use a translator if you don´t understand it. Might end up a bit funny though (it did when i turned it to Finnish).
I have to tell you that i am pretty proud that they chose me to represent Helsinki from Finland. *HAPPY!* =)
You can see the whole story HERE.