Suunnitelmiksi tuli mm. valokuvakehysten koristelu, simpukoiden maalaaminen kaikilla kivoilla väreillä koristeiksi esim. lasipurkkeihin tai kynttilöiden aluslautasille. Siihen ne taisi jäädäkin. Oisko kellään mitään muita ideoita mitä näistä voisi tehdä?
Mikas mom is moving soon and Isla found these clams in the middle of the stuff that was waiting to be thrown away. This was of course such a treasure that we had to take them all home. Washing them was great fun and Isla and i couldn´t wait to do something fun with them.
We planned to decorate some picture frames with them and also thought of painting them in many different fun colours, then using them just as a decoration, maybe in glass jars or saucers where are candles. But that was it. Does anyone have any other ideas what we could do with them?
Mun mielestä ne ovat tuommosessa isossa lasipurkissa törkeen hienoja sinällään! -P