Illalla vielä haettiin puutarhapläntiltä vähän oman maan satoa. Ah ihanuutta! Ei kyllä oo kaupan vihannekset yhtä maukkaita, en oo ennen tajunnutkaan mikä ero siinä maukkaudessa on. Nami nami. :) Mulla muuten jäi porkkanapenkki harventamatta ja ajattelin jo, että ne meni sit mönkään tältä vuodelta, mut tuli niistä silti aikamoisia. Lyhyitä kyllä, mutta sitäkin pulleempia jättiläisporkkanoita. :D
Islas day club started yesterday and to kill some time i went to a shopping centre with Niksu. I could spend all my money to Indiska but this time i bought a new carpet to the kitchen, cute flower plate, some giant mugs and this colorful basket for my yarns (well, some yarns.. i have so much i would need a huge basket for them all). I also finally got this book "surrur" which i´ve been meaning to buy since the day it appeared. And there´s no use going to itäkeskus without going to the "nut store". :)
In the evening we went to our garden plot to get some veggies. Oh yum! The veggies in stores are definitely not as tasty as these are. I did not thin out my carrot bench as it should´ve been done and i thought i´d get no carrots this year, but instead i got little giants. Short but thick. :D